541 Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services Awarded Task Orders and BPA Calls
With the most comprehensive market intelligence platform, we have 541 Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services cyber security task orders covered.
BPA Call - Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) - 541611 Administrative Management and General Management Consulting Services
Delta Point, LLC (LDSS, INC.)
Contracting Agency/Office
Interior»DOI Office of the Secretary»DOI Office of Policy, Management and Budget (PMB)»DOI-PMB Administrative Services»DOI Interior Business Center (IBC)»DOI-IBC Acquisition Services Directorate
Delivery Order - Advanced Technology Support Program 4 (ATSP 4) - 541330 Engineering Services
Contracting Agency/Office
Defense»Office of the Secretary of Defense»Under Secretary of Defense, Acquisition & Sustainment (USD-A&S)»USD-A&S Assistant Secretary of Defense, Sustainment (ASD-S)»Defense Microelectronics Activity (DMEA)