Solutions for Federal Government | Federal Compass

Powerful Collaboration and Delivery
for Federal Consultants and their Clients

Turnkey Solutions for Consultants

Federal Compass offers an integrated solution where federal contractors can experience rich insights from consulting partners delivered in real-time on the industry's most comprehensive market intelligence platform.

This unique combination of capabilities creates a single platform where consultants can collaborate, capture content-specific insights, develop and manage pipelines, and conduct strategic and tactical research on behalf of their clients.

Solutions for Federal Consultants

Consultant / Client Collaboration

Consultants and contractors collaborate using capabilities embedded directly in the platform—including notes, task assignments, and user-defined fields.

Real-Time Deliverables

Deliverables are never out of date with Federal Compass. Throughout the platform, insights and opportunities update in real-time, supporting a living, breathing pipeline.

Rich Engagements

Consultants increase repeat client engagements with improved stickiness over traditional delivery methods.


The adaptability of the Federal Compass platform allows consultants to engineer a unique experience for each client.


We like that we're able to customize the system to enhance [the client’s] experience, capturing and presenting information utilizing the processes and terminology that they're used to. And all of this happens with a professional firm actively gauging the market, finding opportunities, and helping them to position themselves and ensure that their BD efforts result in the desired outcomes; usually contract awards.

—Stephen Kiernan, Principle & CEO, Fortis

If you do business with the Federal Government, you need Federal Compass.