Manage your partners, workshare, agreements and relationships in one place.
Ensure that your opportunities are quickly evaluated by the right individuals on your team with routing rules built around your business process. Make good on your partner obligations by automating opportunity notifications from shared vehicles.
Lean on proactive research-driven partnerships to identify partners who fill your gaps.
Include partner notifications and collaboration in your pipeline workflows to automate subcontractor obligations and speed your team’s bid/no-bid decision.
Perform partner research that’s personalized just for your network. Identify the right partners for a particular opportunity based on capability, customer access, vehicle access and more.
Join over 8,000 federal contractors and suppliers
Never miss a lead when your opportunity and pipeline data flows directly into your Salesforce CRM.
Collaborate throughout the proposal lifecycle with documents living right alongside your opportunity research.
Identify and explore trends and pain points with powerful ad hoc reporting for your pipeline.